Skin Cancer

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Annual skin cancer screening

This week the season officially changed, fall is here and summer is gone, but that does not mean that skin cancer and sun damage are no longer a concern. If you have not done so this year, this would be a great time to schedule your annual skin cancer screening. Our skin is the largest organ on our body. In addition to its aesthetic purpose, it also protects other organs and controls our overall body temperature. It is also a great time to consider skin rejuvenation in time for the holiday season.

  • With regard to skin cancer, be sure to mention any changes to moles or any new markings to your Charlotte dermatologist.
  • In addition to your skin cancer screening, talk with your doctor about any skin issues that concern you such as acne, a hair loss problem, fingernail fungus, age spots, or sagging skin.
  • He or she will prescribe the best treatment for your individual needs.
  • Your doctor will know the best options for you as an individual, and all of the alternatives available to treat your skin conditions.
  • Again, if you have not had an annual screening, contact a board certified dermatologist in the Ballantyne area of Charlotte.
  • Contact their office for a skin screening or diagnosis and treatment of any skin problem.

Two of the top Charlotte dermatologists

Whether you are dealing with skin rashes, or you seek to avoid problems that make your skin look older, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis.

Skin Cancer

Risky behavior

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When we think of summer season risky behavior, we often think of reckless acts on the highway or on the water, but our focus here is on behavior that increases your risk for skin cancer. Overexposure to the sun’s rays is not good for our skin. We protect ourselves from harmful UV rays in three ways;

  1. By wearing a chemical sun block
  2. By wearing protective clothing
  3. Timing our activity to avoid the mid-day rays.

One sunscreen product our patients love is called Elta MD. It is essential that you apply sunscreen properly, to ensure you are properly protected from UV damage. We want to take the opportunity to help you avoid harmful habits and conceptions related to use of sunscreens.

Kids’ sunscreen is best for sensitive skin

  • Some adults opt to use children’s sunscreen with the misconception that it is gentler on sensitive skin. Sunscreens for both kids and adults contain the same active ingredients.
  • Adult sunscreens tend to be less visible or greasy.
  • Kids’ sunscreens are typically a little thicker, and more opaque. Additionally, children’s sunscreens are formulated so they do not sting their eyes.
  • If your skin is irritated when you use sunscreen, it is best to consult with your Charlotte dermatologist.
  • Until then, you should opt to use a physical sunscreen, which contains natural active ingredients like zinc or titanium dioxide.

Two of the top Charlotte dermatologists

Whether you are dealing with skin rashes, or you seek to avoid problems that make your skin look older, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis.

Skin cancer

Look for irregularity

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Charlotte dermatologists are trained to look for irregularity in skin. One area of particular concern is to find what is new or changing in atypical moles and other early signs of skin cancer. Regular screening is one of the most effective tools in the detection and treatment of skin cancer. We do not want to mislead anyone into thinking that screening for skin cancer is the complete answer, but the goal is to provide a service that will exponentially enhance care and diagnosis.

Early detection

  • Early detection of any form of skin cancer is essential to prevent the disease from spreading to other areas of the body.
  • Your role is vital because research has revealed that most skin cancers are detected by patients before they are confirmed by doctors.
  • Learning how to examine your own skin is the first step in promoting skin health, and can dramatically reduce your risks of developing serious problems with skin cancer.
  • You can learn about self-examinations by downloading a free Skin Cancer Self-Exam Kit.

Skin treatment by Dermatology Specialists

If you have questions about a skin irregularity, you can visit a board-certified dermatologist right here in the Ballantyne area. The doctors at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality, innovative skin treatments, and cosmetic dermatology in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox® treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today to schedule a skin cancer screening and analysis.

The most common types of skin cancer

Explaining cancer

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Cancer is the collective term for a collection of related diseases. There are several types of cancer, the common characteristic is that the disease causes some of the body’s cells to divide without stopping, and the growth can spread into surrounding tissues. Cancer can be found almost anywhere in the human body. Normal, healthy cells grow and divide to form new cells as the body needs them. When normal cells grow old or become damaged, they die, and new cells replace them. When cancer develops, this process breaks down. Cells become more and more abnormal. Old or damaged cells survive when they should die, and/or new cells will form when they are not needed. Consider the signs and symptom of the three most common types of skin cancer:

  1. Basal cell carcinoma
  2. Squamous cell carcinoma
  3. Melanoma signs and symptoms

Your Ballantyne dermatologists can screen for skin cancer

It is important to perform regular self-screenings, but it is important to schedule an annual screening with one of the doctors at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte. They regularly provide high quality, innovative skin treatments, and cosmetic dermatology in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox® treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your sun damaged skin, or any other skin condition.

1st of the year skin cancer screening

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Skin cancer screening

Unless you are an avid skier or outdoorsman, this time of year, the average person gives very thought to the correlation between sunlight exposure and skin cancer. If you think about it, this is the perfect time of year to visit a reputable Charlotte dermatologist for a skin check. In fact, you should have your skin checked by a dermatologist at least once a year. You should also make periodic self-exams because no one is more familiar with your skin than you are, and you will most likely be the first to recognized something new or unusual.

Skin cancer awareness

We can be lured into a false sense of security because most of us understand that early detection of skin cancer is usually treated quite successfully. When people ignore the early signs of a change in pigmentation or size of a skin mole or some other anomaly, they take the risk of allowing the growth of something as serious as melanoma. Melanoma is a serious skin cancer. Once it spreads to other places in your body, it is called metastatic, or you may also hear your dermatologist refer to it as stage IV melanoma. Melanoma often spreads to:

  1. Tissues under the skin
  2. Your lymph nodes
  3. The lungs
  4. The liver
  5. The brain

Charlotte dermatologist for skin cancer treatment

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide safe and caring treatment in a professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a complementary consultation to determine your specific needs.

Understanding Melanoma and skin cancer

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Melanoma and other skin cancers

A large segment of the population is at increased risk for Melanoma and skin cancer. In the U.S. alone, every year, more than 5 million people seek treatment for skin cancer. Although this sounds disheartening, the reality is that patients with skin cancer have several treatment options that carry extremely high cure rates. Your dermatologist determines the most appropriate treatment based upon several factors such as your age, health condition, medication regimen, and skin type.

The process:

  • Your dermatologist will perform a comprehensive skin and health evaluation, collecting many details before determining which treatment is best for your situation.
  • The location of the skin cancer will also be a considerable factor for determining which option to choose.
  • For example, a cancerous spot on a prominent part of your face may require a different approach than a spot on your back or hip.

Charlotte dermatologist for skin cancer treatment

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide safe and caring treatment in a professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a complementary consultation to determine your specific needs.

Sunscreen can reduce risk for skin cancer

Increased risk for skin cancer

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As the day get shorter and winter draws near, the natural tendency is to let your guard down when it comes to protecting your skin from skin cancer. The bottom line is that winter outdoor enthusiasts spend almost as much time outdoors as their summer counterparts, and they must be careful because you are at risk for skin cancer in the winter too.

Follow these tips to protect your skin from the damaging effects of winter weather and to reduce your risk of skin cancer:

Use a broad-spectrum (UBA/UVB) sunscreen

  1. Choose a sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher.
  2. Apply sunscreen to all exposed areas, including the ears, around the eyes, and the hands.
  3. Reapply every two hours after sweating or exposure to rain or snow.
  4. Use a moisturizing sunscreen that is lanolin or glycerin based.
  5. Protect your lips with a lip balm that is an SPF 30 or higher.
  6. Wear sunglasses or goggles that offer UV protection.
  7. Sunglasses or googles should be wraparound or large frames, which will protect the sensitive skin around your eyes.
  8. When it is applicable, consider a ski mask for even more protection.
  9. Use extra clothing cover when near water, sand, or snow, because they intensify the damaging rays of the sun.
  10. If you feel the necessity to be tan, consider using a self-tanning product. Be sure to continue using sunscreen with it.

Anyone can get skin cancer, regardless of your age or skin color. With early detection, skin cancer is highly treatable. Early detection begins by following dermatologists’ directions for monitoring your skin and for self-examination.

Charlotte dermatologist for skin cancer screening

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide safe and caring treatment in a professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today to schedule a skin cancer screening.

Reduce your risk of skin cancer with healthy skin

Skin Cancer - Charlotte NC

Do not let your guard down

Every year around 3.5 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. The number one factor in the development of those cases is over exposure to the sun’s ultra violet rays. As the leaves begin to turn and fall and the temperatures get cooler, many people tend to let down their guard when it comes to healthy skin care. There seems to be a higher sense of awareness about the role of the sun’s rays and skin cancer. We want to offer you some skin care tips to help keep your skin healthy and to reduce your risk for skin cancer. Consider the following:

  • Avoid tanning beds
  • Check your skin monthly
  • Keep showers short
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Bundle up
  • Use sunscreen
  • Schedule regular appointments with your dermatologist

Regular skin checks by your dermatologist is the best way to protect yourself from skin cancer, Statistics reveal that even the deadliest skin cancers, have a cure rate of nearly 100% when diagnosed and treated early.

Charlotte dermatologist for your scalp and hair problems

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide safe and caring treatment in a professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists Charlotte NC whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a complementary consultation to determine your specific needs.

Preparing for skin cancer screening

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The most common type of cancer

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. It is defined as an abnormal growth of skin cells that most often develops on areas of the skin exposed to the sun’s rays. Of the several different types of skin cancer, melanoma is the deadliest type, accounting for more than 75 percent of all skin cancer deaths. Early detection is crucial, and preventative screening can save lives. With regard to at what age you should start skin cancer screening, it varies for every individual depending upon one’s risk factors. For some individuals, skin cancer screening should begin in their twenties. If you are concerned about a skin irregularity, make an appointment with your Charlotte dermatologist.

Preparing for your exam

In an effort to give your dermatologist the best opportunity to detect irregularities on your skin, consider some recommendations for preparing for your skin cancer screening:

  • Dermatologists need to see all of your skin, including your nails and nailbeds
  • It is advisable that you remove nail polish from your fingernails and toenails.
  • The day before your exam is a great time to check your skin.
  • Check your skin and make a note of any new, changing, itching, or bleeding moles, or growths.
  • Do not overlook areas like your scalp, between your toes, and the soles of your feet.

Your dermatologist will explain how the lifestyle choices you make can affect your overall health as well as your risk for developing skin cancer. Therefore, it is important to follow recommendations following cancer-screening exams. Screening gives you the best chance of detecting skin cancer as early as possible.

Compassionate and effective skin cancer screening

Your risk for skin cancer can depend upon many factors. If you are finding it difficult to live with your condition, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your psoriasis or any other skin condition.

Reduce your risk of skin cancer

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Have fun in the summer sun

Summertime is here, and it is unavoidable that we will be spending more time in the outdoors soaking up the sunshine. We are not suggesting that it is less important to protect our kids and ourselves from the harmful UV rays all year around, however, UVB radiation has the greatest intensity during summer months. In this article, our Charlotte dermatologists will offer some tips to help you and your family stay safe in the sun this summer.

Skin cancer risk factors

The key to reducing your risk for exposure to skin cancers is knowledge of your risk factors, and constantly monitoring your skin for any changes that could be indications of a cancerous condition. There are some individuals who have inherent traits that make them a higher risk for skin cancer such as:

  • Pale skin that burns easily and doesn’t tan
  • Individuals with natural red or blond hair
  • a previous incidence of skin cancer
  • Family history of skin cancer
  • Multiple or unusual moles
  • A history of severe sunburns
  • Workplace exposure to coal tar, creosote, or arsenic compounds can also increase your risk.

If you work in a profession where you might be exposed to any of these chemicals, consult your physician for advice on how to protect your skin.

Compassionate care for skin cancer patients in Charlotte

For severe sunburn issues, the clinicians at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality, innovative skin care including medical and cosmetic dermatology in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients, and for conditions that cause teenage and adult acne. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your concerns regarding skin cancer or any other skin condition.