Find the best PRP treatments from dermatologist in Charlotte, NC

You’ve hearPRPd of PRP, but why do people have this treatment done? PRP is commonly used to give people healthier, younger-looking skin. This treatment option not only helps firm up skin, it can also be used to remove fine lines and wrinkles, reduce acne scarring, and even help with hair loss.

Before you sign up for your PRP treatment, you’ll want to know how it works. First, your dermatologist will draw blood from you, often from your arm. They then put this in a machine that separates out the platelets. The platelets are then reinjected into your skin using a syringe or a microneedling tool.

When people have skin treatments done of any kind, they are excited to see their results. The desire to rush to a mirror when you are done is strong. However, PRP does not offer immediate results. Often, patients need three or more treatments before full results are seen.

However, depending on what you are having your treatment for, your dermatologist may combine your PRP treatment with another procedure, often fillers. This can give patients immediate results. Your doctor will discuss the best options for you as well as how many treatments you will require.

Charlotte, NC residents who are searching for younger looking skin may find PRP helpful. The team at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte is happy to discuss this option with you, or help you find the right treatment for you. Contact our office today to schedule a virtual consultation and start down the road to younger looking skin.