Cosmetic dermatology tips for hand care

Cosmetic Dermatology - Charlotte, NC
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Skin care for hands

It is time for some cosmetic dermatology tips for preventing dry, cracked, hands as the weather turns cool. The cool autumn breeze and cold winter air, combined with the relative humidity this time of year; causes moisture to evaporate from your skin more quickly than in the summer. For some people, this means rough and chapped hands, while others experience severe cases where the skin cracks and bleeds. Weather-beaten hands can be unsightly, painful, and frustrating.

Replace lotions with creams

  • During the cold weather, it is advisable to switch from lotions to moisturizing creams, which will create a protective barrier on your skin.
  • If your hands become itchy, cracked, bleeding, or painful; Make an appointment for a skin evaluation with your Charlotte dermatologist.
  • She or he can recommend some therapeutic moisturizers and prescriptions if needed.
  • Remember that participating in outdoor winter activities and sports can leave you vulnerable to sun damage.
  • Use sunscreen on any exposed skin every time that you go out.

Younger, vibrant skin in Charlotte NC

If you are finding it difficult to live with aging skin and hands, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide the most effective treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your aging skin.

Cosmetic dermatology

Excellent Cosmetic Dermatology - Charlotte, NC

Cosmetic service and treatments

Cosmetic dermatology has several solutions for aging skin, especially for patients who need to replace lost collagen. Dermatologists are experts at recontouring and restoring your skin for a more youthful appearance. The visible effects of facial aging are the progressive changes you see such as areas of deep voids like marionette lines and nasolabial folds. He or she will recommend a product that stimulates your own collagen to reproduce over time. Hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm® usually can show improvement immediately after injection.

Treatments available for the signs of facial aging

There are 3 major types of facial rejuvenation:

  1. Facial resurfacing
  2. Facial injectables
  3. Facial plastic surgery

Effective treatment for aging skin in Charlotte, NC

If you are finding it difficult to live with aging skin, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide the most effective treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your aging skin.

Cosmetic Dermatology

Fabulous skin in the fall

top cosmetic dermatology - Charlotte, NC

Fall is here, and we thought it is a good time to offer some cosmetic dermatology tips for seasonal skin care. A good rule of thumb is that when it is time to change your wardrobe, it is time to change your skin care regimen. Especially when facing cooler temperatures, gusty winds, and less humidity. In other words, Fall is the time to prepare your skin for a cold and dry winter. Consider our suggestions for a skincare regimen that can help your skin look and feel its best this fall:

Fall/winter cosmetic dermatology treatments

  • Early Fall is the perfect time to undergo procedures that rejuvenate the skin and treat any sun damage you received during the summer.
  • Charlotte dermatologists offer skin treatments that will have you looking your best over the holidays.
  • Effective treatments with a minimal amount of downtime may include Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels, and Laser Treatments.

Cosmetic dermatology in Charlotte, NC

The clinicians at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality, innovative skin care including medical and cosmetic dermatology in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; BBL Photo Rejuvenation. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your concerns regarding aging skin or any other skin condition.

Cosmetic Dermatology

Your skin care diet

Cosmetic Dermatology - Charlotte, NC

We cannot overemphasize the importance of sun protection and moisturizing when it comes to maintaining a healthy complexion. We also want you to understand that a nutritious diet leads to a more youthful complexion free of acne, wrinkles and dull skin. The inference is not towards anything extreme or drastic, but towards healthy eating that is realistic, delicious, and offers a healthier way of life. In addition to reducing the risk for heart kidney, and liver diseases, you enjoy the added benefit of a better complexion. With that in mind, we want to offer some tips on eating, healthy foods that can help prevent the aging process:

Eating to improve our skin

  • A balanced diet is typically rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.
  • Reducing consumption of processed and refined foods, while striving to eat foods that are natural and that come in a rainbow of colors is a good start.
  • Consider making a switch from processed grain products to whole grains. Increase your vegetable intake with extra emphasis on green, leafy vegetables.
  • Consider eating lean meats, and non-animal sources of protein.
  • Consider frozen yogurt as an alternative to ice cream.
  • Make you daily diet focused on bringing in the foods that serve you. In this way, your decadent treats will remain just that, treats that will move to a healthier place in the mix.

Ballantyne area treatment for aging skin

If you are looking for youthful and rejuvenated skin, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte provides high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic dermatology, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, dermal fillers, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your aging skin.

Cosmetic dermatology

Chemical peels

cosmetic dermatology - Charlotte NC

Cosmetic dermatology uses chemical peels to address numerous skin conditions, and are significant treatment when it comes to facial rejuvenation. Unfortunately, many of us remember that chemical peels of the past could possibly leave patients with major down time and a process that looked much worse before healing. It is important to realize the wonderful advances made, and that the facial peels we use today are much safer, and offer results with less downtime. Downtime will vary, depending upon your desired outcome, your skin type, and how fast you expect results. Chemical peels are an excellent way to diminish many signs of aging on the face, hands, neck, and chest; including treatment for skin conditions such as acne or skin discoloration.

The American Academy of Dermatologists also suggests that patients may use chemical peels to address the following conditions:

  1. Some types of acne
  2. Age spots
  3. Blotchy complexion and uneven skin tone
  4. A dull complexion
  5. Removal of fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth
  6. Freckles
  7. Melasma
  8. Rough feeling skin
  9. Sun damaged skin

Healthy, younger looking skin in Charlotte, NC

If you wish that your skin looked younger, there has never been a better opportunity than to visit a board-certified dermatologist right here in the Ballantyne area. Chemical peels can be done in conjunction with lasers and fillers to create a rejuvenated appearance to your skin, with varying degrees of downtime. The doctors at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality, innovative skin treatments, and cosmetic dermatology in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox® treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. For your individualized consultation, call their office today to schedule a skin examination and analysis.

Cosmetic dermatology

Chemical peels

Cosmetic Dermatology - Charlotte, NC

Cosmetic dermatology includes the use of chemical peeling as a proven and effective method for skin rejuvenation. There was a time when chemical peeling was associated with significant side effects, but the chemical peels today, are much safer, and offers better results with less downtime. Recovery depends upon your desired outcome, your skin type, and how fast you need to see results. Chemical peeling is effective for diminishing many signs of aging on the face, hands, neck, and chest. It is also effective for treating skin conditions such as acne and skin discoloration.

What to expect

  • Depending upon the strength and depth of the peel; swelling, redness, and a sensation of tightness will be experienced.
  • Within a few days, the outer layers of the skin will begin to peel off.
  • This is the beginning of a process that will continue until the skin’s condition improves, looking fresh and rejuvenated.
  • Both men and women can experience the benefits of chemical peeling.
  • Depending upon the strength and goal, chemical peels can be used as a single treatment, or may be repeated as often as required.
  • Your Ballantyne dermatologist will recommend a personalized care regimen, and the staff esthetician will advise you of the appropriate treatment during your consultation.

Chemical peeling from your Ballantyne dermatologists

If you are finding it difficult to live with sun damaged, scarred, or wrinkled skin, the doctors at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality, innovative skin treatments, and cosmetic dermatology in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox® treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Located in the Ballantyne area of Charlotte, call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis.

Treatments for cosmetic dermatology

Cosmetic dermatology

Cosmetic Dermatology - Charlotte, NC

Cosmetic dermatology can rejuvenate your skin and make you look years younger, but there is much more to the treatments than meets the eye. Your Ballantyne dermatologist wants to make sure that every procedure is safe for you, and that it will deliver the results you desire. The whole process begins with a comprehensive medical knowledge of the skin. Dermatologists have had special training to deal with nearly every kind of skin condition. When others attempt cosmetic dermatology without this training, the patient is at a higher risk for complications.

Cosmetic procedures

For your aesthetic skin care needs, cosmetic dermatologists offer a wide range of quality skin care products and procedures to help you regain a more youthful appearance. They offer laser light therapy and micro-dermabrasion. The also provide the following treatments:

  1. Age Spot Removal
  2. Anti-Aging Treatments
  3. Acne Scars
  4. Body Contouring
  5. Dark Circles Under the Eyes
  6. Unwanted or Excessive Hair Growth
  7. Eye Rejuvenation
  8. Excessive Sweating
  9. Hand Rejuvenation
  10. Hyperpigmentation Treatments
  11. Treatment for Blue Lines, Bruises, and Spider Veins
  12. Redness of the skin and red lines
  13. Sagging Skin
  14. Volume Loss
  15. Wrinkles
  16. Broad based Light (BBL™)
  17. Forever Young BBL-Fotofacial
  18. Chemical Peels
  19. Dermal Fillers
  20. Laser Skin Peel
  21. ProFractional™
  22. Rejuvapen collagen induction therapy – Microneedling
  23. Halo by SCITON

These are all procedures that can usually be completed in your Charlotte dermatologists’ office. You can expect natural looking results, following a minimal recovery period. In order to help maintain your results, the best dermatology specialists offer a line of skin care products.

Treatment for aging skin in Charlotte, NC

If you are finding it difficult to live with aging skin and hands, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide the most effective treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your aging skin.

Cosmetic dermatology: Genetics and age spots

Problematic age spots

Cosmetic Dermatology - Charlotte, NC

Cosmetic dermatology offers a number of solutions for Age spots and other pigmentation marks on the surface of the skin. Age spots are usually caused by excessive sun exposure. They most commonly vary in color from brown, to gray or black. Age spots range in size, from as small as a freckle to spots that are nearly a centimeter across. Usually, age spots form in clusters, but it is not unusual to find one or two that stand alone.

Genetics and age spots

  • Genetics can play a significant factor in the likelihood of someone developing age spots.
  • Fair skinned individuals, or those who have freckles are more prone to developing age spots.
  • They are basically harmless, just remember that they are part of the aging process for a great number of people.
  • This is because of the increase in melanin production as we age. For some individuals, age spots are considered to be as natural as wrinkles.

Age spot removal and cosmetic dermatology in Charlotte

If you are finding it difficult to live with age spots, the doctors at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality, innovative skin care, and cosmetic dermatology in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox® treatments, and microdermabrasion. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your age spots or any other skin condition.

Cosmetic dermatology and injectable fillers for men

Cosmetic dermatology for men

Cosmetic Dermatology - Charlotte, NC
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In today’s competitive workplace, looking your best and feeling confident about your appearance is just as essential for men as it is for women. Charlotte dermatologists are seeing increasing numbers of male patients for non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Modern techniques and products make a visit to a top dermatologist take about the same time as a trip to the barber shop. In fact, many skincare treatments take only 10 to 30 minutes, requiring little or no downtime. Here are some of the most common skin conditions that male patients seek to address:

Injectable fillers

  • Facial injectable products such as BOTOX®, Juvederm®, or Sculptra®, are safe, reliable, and capable of producing natural-looking results.
  • Injectable treatments are of advantage as they require very short recovery times for men who are on the go, and who need to resume normal activities immediately after treatment.
  • We encourage you to visit a board certified Charlotte dermatologist for a complete skin evaluation and for a skin cancer screening.
  • He or she can help you understand the latest cosmetic or medical dermatology treatments for men.

A top Charlotte dermatologist for men’s skin

If you want to look your best and feel confident about your appearance, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment that is tailored to the needs of men. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your dry skin or any other skin condition.

Men take advantage of cosmetic dermatology

Cosmetic Dermatology - Charlotte, NC

Men can benefit from cosmetic dermatology

Ever increasing numbers of men are enjoying the benefits of cosmetic dermatology. Long gone, are the days when female were the only patients in the dermatology clinics. Men have always been concerned about aging skin, and are now taking decisive steps in order to undergo minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. Males are just as determined as their female counterparts, to choose treatments that will enhance their appearance, including dermal fillers, neurotoxins, chemical peels, and laser therapy. Even over the counter skin care manufacturers have produced creams, shampoos, lotions, and skin care products that potions that are designed for men, because of the increase in demand.

Late to the party

For years, men failed to take advantage of cosmetic products and procedures, simply because they were too embarrassed, or convinced that it was less than “macho” to inquire.

Over the past decade or two, we have seen an exponential increase in the number of men asking about dermatology treatments.

Today’s man understands that it is important to understand how we are perceived by others.

For example, aging men who work with the public often seek treatment because they do not want to make the first impression that they look “angry” because of sagging facial skin that leads to accentuated scowl lines.

Some men seek treatment from a dermatologist, simply to enhance their appearance and self-confidence.

Men are regularly treated for skin discoloration, rosacea, skin tightening, hair removal, acne treatment, and alopecia.

Cosmetic dermatology for men in the Ballantyne area of Charlotte

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide the most effective treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your skin condition.