Charlotte dermatologist

Summer skin care

Charlotte Dermatologist - Charlotte, NC

In our ongoing battle to reduce the risk of skin cancer and to avoid premature skin aging, we want to help you evaluate your summer skin care regimen. Hopefully, by this time of year, you have developed the healthy habit of regularly applying sunscreen and of re-applying it every 2 hours of sun exposure. We want to touch on 3 important factors that will ensure that you are getting maximum protection and keeping your skin healthy enough to resist premature aging.

Sunscreen is for everyone

  • Everyone needs sunscreen, regardless of skin type and skin color.
  • People with darker skin may be less likely to experience sunburn, but sunburn is not the only sign of sun damage to one’s skin.
  • UV damage and premature skin aging can also occur among dark-skinned people.
  • If your skin is dark, or your skin type is fairly resistant to sunburn, you still need to use sunscreen and other UV protective measures.
  • It is also important to schedule an annual skin check for yourself and your children.

Ballantyne area dermatologists

Sun protection for your skin goes beyond avoiding sunburned skin, wrinkles, freckles, and age spots, although you want to avoid these problems, consider periodic checkups and skin analysis with a Ballantyne dermatologist. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis.

Problems with my skin

Simple solutions for problem skin

ZO™ skin care products - Problems with my skin Charlotte, NC

Are you pulling you hair out and asking yourself, “Why do I have so many problems with my skin?” We are always ready to help you with complex solutions for skin issues, but sometimes the answer is found in the little and simple things we do, or fail to do. The beginning of all skin care is cleansing your skin. The process should be the simplest part of your skin care routine, but many people develop bad habits that can be the root of many different skin problems. Cleansing can be a very effective way to reduce or diminish dry patches, oiliness, redness, clogged pores, and acne breakouts.

Cleansing oily skin

  • The natural reaction for those with oily skin is to scrub it until it is squeaky clean.
  • If you have an oily complexion, hard scrubbing is not a solution, cleansing your skin with the right product is vital. to control breakouts.
  • ZO OILACLEANSE™ cleanser is the ideal product to gently exfoliate and cleanse skin, while reducing excess oil and neutralizing free radicals from the environment.
  • Generally, it is best to wash your skin with warm water. Using excessively hot or cold water can be hard on your skin.
  • After washing, gently pat your skin until it is slightly damp.

Two of the best Charlotte dermatologists

If you want to avoid problems that make skin look older, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis.


Slowing down the clock

Fotofacial -Charlotte, NC

Research has proven that regular maintenance treatments using Fotofacial or Forever Young BBL™ functionally rejuvenates skin and delays skin aging. Your Ballantyne area dermatologists offer treatment that could slow down clock when it comes to the appearance of aging skin.

What to expect after Fotofacial therapy?

  • Patients should not expect see any significant changes until several weeks after the procedure.
  • After the procedure, patients typically experience that the treated area may be pink or red for four to eight hours after treatment.
  • Some patients report a slight stinging sensation on the level of a mild sunburn in the treated area. The stinging sensation usually subsides within four to six hours.
  • You can sooth and relieve the treated area by applying cool packs or moist cloths.
  • You could possibly experience mild swelling in the treatment area, that dissipates within several days.
  • Your dermatologist may ask you to apply a moisturizing lotion to the treated area twice daily, for at least three months after the final treatment.

Ballantyne area dermatologists

If you want to avoid problems that make skin look older, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis for Fotofacial.

Ballantyne dermatologist

Heat and psoriasis

Psoriasis -Ballantyne dermatologist
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Your Ballantyne area dermatologist wants you to know that psoriasis is often triggered by external factors that damage the skin. This time of year, you must be particularly aware of the hot weather, stress, and threat of sunburn. Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that can range from unnoticeably mild to severe cases covering large portions of the body.

The cause of psoriasis

  • The exact cause of this disease is still unknown, but research reveals that Psoriasis is a chronic disease.
  • It develops when the immune system sends faulty signals, causing skin cells to grow too quickly.
  • New skin cells form in days rather than weeks, and the body does not shed these excess skin cells.
  • This causes the cells to pile up on the surface of the skin developing unsightly patches of psoriasis.
  • Psoriasis looks contagious, but it is not. The only way to contract psoriasis is by inheriting the genes that cause it.

Ballantyne area dermatologists

Sun protection for your skin goes beyond avoiding sunburned skin, wrinkles, freckles, and age spots, although you want to avoid these problems, and the condition that can exacerbate your psoriasis, consider periodic checkups and skin analysis with a Ballantyne dermatologist. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today to discuss your psoriasis, and for a skin care evaluation and analysis.

Cosmetic dermatology

Chemical peels

cosmetic dermatology - Charlotte NC

Cosmetic dermatology uses chemical peels to address numerous skin conditions, and are significant treatment when it comes to facial rejuvenation. Unfortunately, many of us remember that chemical peels of the past could possibly leave patients with major down time and a process that looked much worse before healing. It is important to realize the wonderful advances made, and that the facial peels we use today are much safer, and offer results with less downtime. Downtime will vary, depending upon your desired outcome, your skin type, and how fast you expect results. Chemical peels are an excellent way to diminish many signs of aging on the face, hands, neck, and chest; including treatment for skin conditions such as acne or skin discoloration.

The American Academy of Dermatologists also suggests that patients may use chemical peels to address the following conditions:

  1. Some types of acne
  2. Age spots
  3. Blotchy complexion and uneven skin tone
  4. A dull complexion
  5. Removal of fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth
  6. Freckles
  7. Melasma
  8. Rough feeling skin
  9. Sun damaged skin

Healthy, younger looking skin in Charlotte, NC

If you wish that your skin looked younger, there has never been a better opportunity than to visit a board-certified dermatologist right here in the Ballantyne area. Chemical peels can be done in conjunction with lasers and fillers to create a rejuvenated appearance to your skin, with varying degrees of downtime. The doctors at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality, innovative skin treatments, and cosmetic dermatology in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox® treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. For your individualized consultation, call their office today to schedule a skin examination and analysis.

Ballantyne Dermatologist

Understanding age spots

Age Spots - Ballantyne Dermatologist

Your Ballantyne dermatologist knows that no one likes to see the appearance of age spots on their face or body. These characteristic brown and black spots, commonly occur on areas of the skin that are exposed to the sun. They are commonly known as age spots, sun spots, or even liver spots. The last description is somewhat puzzling because they have nothing to do with the liver. Age spots should not be confused with freckles, which usually appear on the face and body of adults and children with fair skin and red or blonde hair. Age spots are distinctive patches or spots that are typically found on the face, arms and hands after years of excessive exposure to the sun.

Treatment for age spots

  • Age related spots are usually benign, and not a real medical concern, they are a cosmetic concern.
  • Makeup may temporarily help, but with very dark or multiple spots, makeup cannot hide them sufficiently.
  • Here in Charlotte, heavy makeup in the hot and humid summers can be very uncomfortable.
  • Your Ballantyne dermatologist can treat brown spots in several ways.
  • Prevention is the key to avoiding brown spots, however if you do get them, the proper treatment regimen can diminish or eliminate them.
  • Once the spots have been treated, you will need to prevent a recurrence is by use of sunscreen and sun-protective clothing when you are outside.

Ballantyne area dermatologists

Sun protection for your skin goes beyond avoiding sunburned skin, wrinkles, freckles, and age spots, although you want to avoid these problems that make skin look older, one of the most impactful health advantages is reducing your risk of skin cancer. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis.

Charlotte dermatologist

Healthy, young-looking hands

Aging - Charlotte Dermatologist

Charlotte dermatologists know that if you are like most people, you are concisely aware of the signs of aging that occur on your face. In fact, you can easily spot something new with just a quick glance whenever you look in the mirror. There is no doubt that it is the face that gets the most of the attention and special care when we want to keep looking our best. Our face is the front line in the battle to ward off the signs of aging.

New hope for hands

  • Relatively speaking, only recently have there been some effective options for dealing with aging hands.
  • Consistent moisturizing of your hands on a daily basis is important, but that does literally nothing to deal with age or sun spots and leathery-looking skin.
  • Moisturizing also has a minimal effect on the loss of volume, or that youthful plumpness that once made our hands look so soft and smooth.
  • Simply applying a moisturizing lotion to the skin’s surface is not enough to replenish the natural loss of collagen and resilience of the skin because of aging.
  • Fortunately, you can visit a Charlotte dermatologist who can provide several of the latest advances for treating aging hands.
  • The goal is to help your hands appear younger and less wrinkled, which may be accomplished through the use of dermal fillers and laser treatments that have been formulated or developed specifically for hands.

Healthy, young-looking hands in Charlotte, NC

If you wish your hands looked younger, there has never been a better opportunity to take control, you can visit a board-certified dermatologist right here in the Ballantyne area. The doctors at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality, innovative skin treatments, and cosmetic dermatology in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox® treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today to schedule a skin cancer screening and analysis.

Ballantyne dermatologist

Summer Skin Care

Ballantyne dermatologist- Charlotte NC

Ballantyne dermatologists want you to know that taking care of your skin is a year around inevitability. You also must be flexible and vigilant when it comes to summer skin care. The heat, exposure to the sun, and windy days at the beach can be damaging to your skin. We want to offer some summer skin care tips, that are applicable, regardless of your skin type.

We always recommend the use of a good sun block, but taking care of your skin during the summer goes far beyond the use of sunscreen. The goal is to avoid long-term damage; therefore, it is vital that you understand how the summer weather can harm your skin. Fortunately, we offer a number of products that can help you build an effective summer skin care routine.

EltaMD™ sunscreen

  • You want a sunblock that offers the best protection as it reflects sun off your skin.
  • This means that your sunblock should primarily be composed of Zinc oxide and/or Titanium dioxide.
  • These are prime ingredients that are found in Elta MD™ sunscreen.
  • Be sure to apply Elta MD 15 to 30 minutes before going outdoors, and reapply every 2 hours while exposed to the sun.

Ballantyne area dermatologists

Sun protection for your skin goes beyond avoiding sunburned skin, wrinkles, freckles, and age spots, although you want to avoid these problems that make skin look older, one of the most impactful health advantages is reducing your risk of skin cancer. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis.

Skin cancer

Look for irregularity

Skin Cancer - Charlotte, NC
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Charlotte dermatologists are trained to look for irregularity in skin. One area of particular concern is to find what is new or changing in atypical moles and other early signs of skin cancer. Regular screening is one of the most effective tools in the detection and treatment of skin cancer. We do not want to mislead anyone into thinking that screening for skin cancer is the complete answer, but the goal is to provide a service that will exponentially enhance care and diagnosis.

Early detection

  • Early detection of any form of skin cancer is essential to prevent the disease from spreading to other areas of the body.
  • Your role is vital because research has revealed that most skin cancers are detected by patients before they are confirmed by doctors.
  • Learning how to examine your own skin is the first step in promoting skin health, and can dramatically reduce your risks of developing serious problems with skin cancer.
  • You can learn about self-examinations by downloading a free Skin Cancer Self-Exam Kit.

Skin treatment by Dermatology Specialists

If you have questions about a skin irregularity, you can visit a board-certified dermatologist right here in the Ballantyne area. The doctors at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality, innovative skin treatments, and cosmetic dermatology in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox® treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today to schedule a skin cancer screening and analysis.

Problems with my skin

Dealing with Psoriasis

Psoriasis - Problems with my skin Charlotte, NC
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Psoriasis is the collective name for several types of chronic skin issues, that affects millions of people all over the world. Psoriasis is usually characterized as unsightly and uncomfortable rough patches on the skin. In advanced cases, the patches of skin can crack and bleed. Men, women, adolescents, and even newborn babies are diagnosed with the disease. Most commonly, psoriasis appears to affect teens and young adults. When psoriasis does occur in younger children, treatment is significantly more challenging.

Treating Psoriasis in children

  • The drugs that are used to treat adult psoriasis are very strong and cannot be used for treatment in children.
  • There are some topical medications on the market that may be available for younger children down to 2 years of age.
  • If you notice or recognize dry skin patches or issues on your child, it is important to schedule an examination with your Charlotte dermatologist as soon as possible.

Ballantyne area dermatologists

If you, or a friend or relative has psoriasis, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis.