Ballantyne dermatologist explains UV rays

Understanding the sun’s rays

Ballantyne dermatologist - Charlotte, NC

Your Ballantyne dermatologist encourages people of all ages to be diligent about sunscreen protection. Ultra violet rays from the sun are responsible for the golden tan to which so many people aspire. Many people perceive bronzed skin to be the look of someone who is vibrant and healthy. In reality, when your skin darkens, this is actually a warning sign that your body is trying to prevent damage from the sun. The sun emits two different types of ultra violet rays that can impact your health, they are UVA and UVB. We want to help you understand the difference between the two, and why it is important to protect your skin from both types.

UVA rays

  1. UVA rays damage and affect the skin by causing wrinkles, a leathery appearance, sagging skin, and sun spots.
  2. UVA rays are present even on overcast and gloomy days.
  3. They can even penetrate some types of clothing.
  4. UVA rays are less likely to cause sunburn, but they significantly increase your risk of skin cancer, especially melanoma.
  5. UVA rays have also been shown to accelerate skin aging.

UVB rays

  1. UVB rays cause sunburn and are mainly linked to the development of skin cancer.
  2. UVB rays are at the highest levels between 10am and 4pm all year around, but especially during the summer months.

Ballantyne area dermatologists

If you have questions regarding sun exposure and its link to aging skin and skin cancer, contact Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte. You can expect high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis.

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