Reduce your risk of skin cancer with healthy skin

Skin Cancer - Charlotte NC

Do not let your guard down

Every year around 3.5 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. The number one factor in the development of those cases is over exposure to the sun’s ultra violet rays. As the leaves begin to turn and fall and the temperatures get cooler, many people tend to let down their guard when it comes to healthy skin care. There seems to be a higher sense of awareness about the role of the sun’s rays and skin cancer. We want to offer you some skin care tips to help keep your skin healthy and to reduce your risk for skin cancer. Consider the following:

  • Avoid tanning beds
  • Check your skin monthly
  • Keep showers short
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Bundle up
  • Use sunscreen
  • Schedule regular appointments with your dermatologist

Regular skin checks by your dermatologist is the best way to protect yourself from skin cancer, Statistics reveal that even the deadliest skin cancers, have a cure rate of nearly 100% when diagnosed and treated early.

Charlotte dermatologist for your scalp and hair problems

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide safe and caring treatment in a professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists Charlotte NC whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a complementary consultation to determine your specific needs.

Are you at risk for rosacea?

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Understanding rosacea

Rosacea (pronounced roh-ZAY-sha) is one of the most common disorders of facial skin, yet it is also one of the most misunderstood. People with rosacea tend to feel isolated, or believe that their condition is rare. The fact is that more that 14 million Americans must deal with varying types of rosacea.

Are you at risk?

  • Light- skinned people are most likely to develop it, but it can occur in others.
  • Most people who get rosacea are between the ages of 30 and 50 years old.
  • Most are fair-skinned, often with blonde hair and blue eyes.
  • A great majority have Celtic or Scandinavian ancestry.
  • Many rosacea patients have a prior history of severe acne.
  • It is believed that this skin condition is hereditary because a large percentage of patients have someone in their family tree with rosacea.
  • Anyone can get this skin disease, including people of color and children.

One of the top Charlotte dermatologists

The severity of skin conditions such as rosacea depends on many factors. If you are finding it difficult to live with rosacea, the doctors at Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality, innovative skin care, and cosmetic dermatology in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns. Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your rosacea or any other skin condition.

The pain of psoriasis

Psoriasis -Charlotte, NC
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Dealing with psoriatic arthritis

It is important that patients, who have been diagnosed with psoriasis, be diligent about keeping their dermatologist informed if they experience pain, stiffness, or swelling in the joints. About 5 percent of psoriasis patients may eventually be diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. There is no way to tell which psoriasis patients will get psoriatic arthritis. This is why it is important to pay attention to problems with your joint. Early diagnosis can help your doctor provide treatment that can reduce the effect that arthritis has on your life.

Causes of psoriatic arthritis:

  • Doctors and scientists are not sure what causes psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.
  • It is widely believed that your genes may play some role, and environment is a contributing factor.
  • We know that psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which means that the body mistakes something inside as a foreign object.
  • In the case of psoriatic arthritis, the body mistakes soft tissues in the joints as foreign objects and attacks them.
  • Psoriatic arthritis can look like other types of arthritis, so it is important that you visit an experienced dermatologist for a diagnosis evaluate you.
  • If you are diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, your dermatologist will begin treatment that can stop the progression of your arthritis while easing the swelling, pain, stiffness, and other symptoms.

Dealing with your psoriatic arthritis is not only about easing the pain; you will also be taking positive steps that will improve your quality of life.

Timely and innovative treatment for psoriasis

The severity of a skin condition such as psoriasis can depend upon many factors. If you are finding it difficult to live with your condition, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide high quality and innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a skin care evaluation and analysis of your psoriasis or any other skin condition.

What to expect if you choose dermal fillers

Fillers in Charlotte, NCThe need for derm fillers

If you are looking for a way to restore your youthful looks without going through surgical procedures, dermal fillers may be the solution for you. If we look at our youthful photos from childhood, it is easy to recognize that cherub-like qualities of our childhood face.

What to expect

  • When you choose one of the top dermatologists in the Charlotte area, you can expect pleasing and long-lasting results that will improve your skin health while helping you achieve your skin care goals.
  • Your dermatologist will know the best approach and the most appropriate dermal fillers that will give your skin a plumper, smoother appearance.
  • She or he will know the best solution for helping you smooth out fine lines, fill out deep lines, and replace or rejuvenate soft tissues.

At Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte, we are proud to have Shawne Caputo, PA-C. She is the main BOTOX and filler injector at the practice. Shawne is considered an artist when it comes to facial rejuvenation. She has extensive expertise with over 8 years in cosmetic dermatology and using Botox, Xeomin, Juvederm and Sculptra to minimize lines, wrinkles and correct volume loss.

One of the top dermatologists in Charlotte, NC

If you are unhappy with the condition of your aging skin, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide a safe, non-invasive treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. In addition to chemical peels, they provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a complementary consultation to determine your specific needs.

Charlotte dermatologist tips for a healthy scalp

Dermatologist - Charlotte NC
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Wash your scalp as well as your hair

The top dermatologists in Charlotte will tell you that washing your scalp may be the most important part of hair care. Hopefully, we can offer some tips that will help you be sure that your scalp is healthy and clean.

Dry, itchy scalp

  • The number one complaint that people have about their hair is dry, itchy scalp. If you have this problem, it could be for a number of reasons.
  • Do not assume that you automatically have a skin problem, it could be because you are not rinsing away all of the shampoo.
  • Shampoos are chemically designed to seep along the strands of your hair in order to clean it all the way to the root.
  • This is why it is important to rinse your hair thoroughly, making sure that you rinse away all the suds.
  • The most common element for hair a scalp issues is overexposure to the elements, particularly sun and wind.
  • Swimmers always have issues because of their constant exposure to chlorine in swimming pools.
  • If you do not wear a swim cap, be sure to wash your hair after swimming.
  • Curling irons, flat irons, and hair dryers should be used carefully. Obviously, they can cause considerable damage to the hair and scalp.

Charlotte dermatologist for your scalp and hair problems

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide safe and caring treatment in a professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a complementary consultation to determine your specific needs.

Considering a chemical peel over exfoliation

Chemical Peels - Charlotte NC
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A fresh, new makeover

This time of year, some individuals consider a chemical peel in preparation for the holiday season. As the weather begins to push us back indoors, this could be the perfect time for a pre-holiday makeover. Chemical peel is an effective way to rejuvenate your skin. The process of removes the top layer of skin to regenerate new skin that is smoother, clearer, and less wrinkled. Consider the following:

  • Chemical peels are not to be confused with exfoliation.
  • Professional skin peels produce more dramatic results than over the counter exfoliation creams.
  • Most home exfoliating products only work on the skin’s surface layer.
  • A chemical peel removes multiple layers of dead skin cells, revealing the healthy new cells.
  • This provides you with a smoother, more youthful looking complexion.

Chemical peels and skin rejuvenation in Charlotte, NC

If you are unhappy with the condition of your aging skin, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide a safe, non-invasive treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. In addition to chemical peels, they provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a complementary consultation to determine your specific needs.

The problem with self treatment of Prescription barrier creams: Effective treatment for dermatitis

Dermatitis - Charlotte NC
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Living with dermatitis

If you have been diagnosed you with eczema, your dermatologist may have used the word “dermatitis,” because eczema and dermatitis often mean the same thing. Eczema is a general term for a collective number of skin conditions the dermatologists describe as conditions that can cause the skin to swell and discolor. The skin is often dry and itchy. Sometimes blisters form. Sometimes there is peeling and flaking of dry scaly skin, and some cases involve a blistering rash. One thing is for sure, there more types of creams for treating eczema, than there are all the different types of eczema.

The problem with self-treatment:

  • Perhaps the most common treatment for eczema includes the use of cosmetic moisturizing creams and/or cortisone creams.
  • It is important that if you have a dry, itchy skin condition, it is best to consult with a dermatologist, and refrain from trying to treat your skin with all of the creams that are available across the counter.
  • Cortisone creams can only be used for short periods or they can cause long-term side effects.
  • Moisturizing creams may treat the symptoms of dryness; however, they do not treat inflammation that is so prominent.

Timely and innovative treatment for dermatitis

The severity of a skin condition such as dermatitis can depend upon many factors. If you are finding it difficult to live with your condition, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide the afore-mentioned barrier creams along with innovative treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a complete skin evaluation and analysis of your dermatitis or any other skin condition.

Cosmetic dermatology: Are you a candidate for non-surgical fat removal

Cosmetic Dermatology - Charlotte NC
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Targeting stubborn fat areas

Cosmetic dermatology leads the way when it comes to non-invasive and pain free ways to remove unwanted and stubborn areas of fat from the body. Vanquish™ is the latest in non-invasive fat reduction. It is FDA approved and clinical studies document noticeable fat reduction after treatment. Vanquish works by heating fat cells by using radio frequency. This allows the clinician to target fat without injuring other tissues. The treatment feels like sitting under a warm blanket for 30 minutes. Vanquish is ideal for reduction of waist circumference and the removal of stubborn fat from the abdomen as well as the flanks and thighs. . Fat reduction with thighs is a separate treatment location and appointment.

Are you a candidate?

Vanquish can be safely performed on most people, However, you are restricted from treatments if you:

  • Have metal implants, including metal hip replacements
  • Surgical staples
  • Surgical screws near the area of treatment
  • Wear a pacemaker
  • Are pregnant, or suspect you are pregnant

The best way is to determine if Vanquish is right for you is to come schedule a consultation with a qualified dermatologist who can evaluate your specific needs.

Qualified dermatologist for Vanquish™ fat reduction

If you are finding it difficult to remove areas of stubborn fat, even after proper diet and exercise, Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte can provide a safe, non-invasive treatment in a caring and professional environment. Dr. Nixon and Dr. Haught are board certified dermatologists Charlotte NC whose dedication, experience, and knowledge will provide the best possible treatment for your skin, hair, and cosmetic concerns.

Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte also offers medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology; including removal of skin cancer. They provide a full range of cosmetic offerings such as skin tightening, fat reduction, chemical peels, Botox treatments, microdermabrasion, and more. They provide treatment for both adult and pediatric patients. Call their office today for a complementary consultation to determine your specific needs.